Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the beginning, there was equatorial light and cold feet

First thing is first: alas, I am not the genius behind the title of this blog. My beautiful friend Gigi  has a knack for crafting witty, pithy titles of papers and such and was kind enough to share her brilliance with me. Is there any idiom that better encapsulates a twenty-something's first venture into the big wide world via a semester abroad in Lima?

No doubt this is an extremely exciting event for anyone involved, and I mean not just myself but everyone I am connected to--friends, family, work associates, fellow church goers, academic colleagues, dorm compatriots. If I attempted to relay the details of my trip to all of you individually, I would have no experiences to share since writing emails would consume all of my time. This way I can kill many, many birds with one blog and the only guilt I will have to endure is any shortcoming in failing to publicize Perusal sufficiently--and in any case, should I forget to inform you from the start, you can always begin right here on February 10, 2011, when I am quite convinced that this was the dumbest idea of my life. 


  1. You leave tomorrow! Have an amazing time and please keep up this blog- I made a blogspot to stay updated, girlfrand. xo, Alessandra

  2. Yeah yeah yeah! Keep us updated with your glorious voyage to the end of the earth. I'm also expecting lots of gorgeous pictures--put that camera to good use! :D Stay sane and have fun,
